
Vita Flora 3.1.5 (26) SRN For fruit and flowers

Vita Flora 3:1:5 (26) SRN has an NPK ratio preferred by some gardeners. The fertilizer has nitrogen in the slow release form which lasts for up to 5 months.


2, 5, 10, 20, 50

Vita Flora 3.2.1. (28) SRN

Some gardeners prefer to make use of a 3:2:1 fertilizer to fertilize their lawns. This product has the nitrogen component in slow-release form and therefore nitrogen is available for up to 5 months.


2, 5, 10, 20, 50

Vita Flora 2.3.2 (22) SRN

Culterra vita flora 2:3:2 (22) SRN is a fertilizer that is well suited to all general purposes fertilizing in the garden. The product can be used for trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds and vegetables and last for up to 3 months in garden soils with the slow release component in.


2, 5, 10, 20, 50

Vita Flora 5.1.5. (33) SRN

Culterra vita flora 5:1:5 (33) is an excellent slow release nitrogen fertilizer for general purposes such as feeding shrubs and trees in the garden and nursery. The fertilizer produces beautiful results on lawns and lasts for up to 3 months. Culterra vita flora 5:1:5 (33) SRN is made in a chlorine-free form with added trace elements. Chlorine is toxic to plants and many growers insist on using chlorine fertilizer with added trace elements. Available in 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50kg bags.


2, 5, 10, 20, 50

Fyngrow Supers

Culterra fyngro supers is a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for growing fynbos plants such as Leucadendrons, Leucospermums, Proteas and other acid loving plants. Trace elements in a chelated form and slow release nitrogen have been added to this fertilizer to enhance its performance. The product is low in nitrates and phosphates.

Available in

1Kg bag and Tub

5kg bag

10 kg bag

Nitroturf 38%

A slow-release nitrogen source that last for up to 5 months. Ideal for boosting nitrogen levels in your lawn soils

Chips, Granular, Powder & Coarse. Chlorine free


25, 40

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